An open letter to Occupy seattle,
I work with Food Group. I jumped in with both feet three weeks ago and have been working my butt off and losing sleep since then to feed protesters every day and help build a functioning network of volunteers to cook & donate food.
Right now I am frustrated. We are all frustrated with divisiveness, police harassment, and a perceived lack of on-the-ground progress.
So really, it is time to ask ourselves "WHY". What are we trying to accomplish? Why are we all sacrificing so much time and energy and care to create what might amount to a shwanky mobile homeless camp with protest signs? I cannot speak for you, but I can tell you what my personal reasons are.
I am here to create a more compassionate world. I want to build a world where the economy works for everyone - an economy and society focused on creating plenitude and abundance, rather than the mechanized and de-humanizing "efficiency" of our current system.
Our power is not necessarily in our protests on the street. As we grow, our movement will help to enact top-down reforms of government institutions. We are working towards a government which regulates and controls corporations on our behalf, for the benefit of everyone. We are not asking for small things. We are telling The Powers That Be that they have fucked-up, and they are fired. We cannot wait for them to step down and hand us the reigns. We start by simply taking control of our own lives, communities, and economies.
That is why we are also modeling our new society every day. We are re-creating and re-educating and empowering ourselves and building accessible local governance. The General Assembly and the working groups are a seed of growth for our future. We are not waiting for the change to come to us. Not waiting for our government officials to "see the light" and begin to work with us. We are simply doing it. We may have to pick our battles and be strategic about how we grow and where we focus our energy; but we must always keep in mind a positive vision for what we are working towards. In this way, we can continue to grow, become more accessible to our communities, and be an open body for participation and a powerful force of change.
I want to remind everyone to be compassionate with yourselves. Be compassionate with those around you. Be compassionate with the police and with our Mayor. Compassion is NOT a weakness, but a means to stand up for our needs in a way that respects our own humanity. In this way, compassion is the greatest and most important of strengths. We do not want you to sacrifice your life to this movement. No one person holds Occupy Seattle on their shoulders. And if they do, that person is a weak point and we must find more people to share their tasks. Strength comes from our collective joy and positive vision. Everyday people give what they can to move us forward, and in the process, I hope we are having the time of our lives and creating the best, most joyful party on the whole god-damned block.
So Occupy Seattle, I ask you: what is your joy? How can we help you live out the work that feeds your soul? How can we learn to work together and support each to achieve Greater Feats of Awesomeness?
And [i]please[/i], join a working group!!!