Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OS self-care: Proposal for 2012

I propose that Occupy Seattle spend the FIRST THREE MONTHS of 2012 working to address internal issues of racism, protest tactics, organizational structure & stability, and  greater outreach to the community.

Since we started, three months ago, Occupy Seattle has accomplished Feats of Awesomeness we only dreamed possible. In that time we have been overworked, over-rushed, and faced with direct and targeted opposition from systems of authority... As we close the year, it feels appropriate to end 2011 with celebration of our new community. 

In the past weeks, and especially days, deep systemic issues of prejudice and internal politics have arisen within Occupy Seattle.  These issues divide us, block us from making progress together and making decisions together, and threaten to tear us apart. 

I want to be very clear: I do not believe that our movement will survive further "splitting" and "factions".  I believe that it will dilute our power, de-legitimize our messages, and dissipate the momentum we have worked to hard to build. 

The issues that we face within our community are no less than the kernal of what we are fighting against in the state.  They are the internalized prejudices of living our whole lives inside a society based on violence and oppression.  How can we think to fight against the institutions of violence without seeking to heal the underlying causes.  Holistic healing (and common sense) tell us that you can treat symptoms endlessly, and create an illusion of "wellness" - but until we have the patience to dig deep and seek to heal the root causes of our illness, we will never truly be well.  This can be painful and scary, but only by looking our fears in the face, acknowledging our demons for what they are, and working to create new patterns of love and compassion, we begin to effect the systemic changed and radical paradigm shifts that we all talk about fighting for. 

Where there is fear, there is power.  So let us face our collective fears together, and together work to find the power within ourselves to BE AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF TRUTH AND LOVE. 

To that end, I propose that Occupy Seattle spend the FIRST THREE MONTHS of 2012 focusing inward on this journey.  By means of teach-ins, community discussions, art & celebration, and outreach to Seattle neighborhoods, communities, and social justice organizations. 

There are already several days of international action planned in the next three months.  I propose that we continue to plan for and participate in those actions, but that we back off of planning additional marches and actions focused solely on Seattle.  The internal work of building our community, strengthening our organizational structures, and fighting our internal demons is TOO IMPORTANT to be put off indefinitely, or worked with less than our full attention. 

Three months seems like a long time.  It is equal to the amount of time that we have existed, which would be symmetrical.  I do not expect Occupy Seattle to solve all of the systemic causes of hate and violence in three months.  But it is enough time for us to dig in and make significant progress within our community.  It is enough time to start building understanding amongst our many activists, and create a shared vision for our future world. 

In the next three months, we will be establishing a new camp in which we hope to model our positive vision of the future.  We will participate in international days of action and protest.  We will work to build and create networks of cooperation with Seattle neighborhoods and social justice organization.  We will work to grow our numbers and our movement by being actively engage with our communities. 

Because I believe that the only way forward is together, in solidarity, with EVERYONE. 

This proposal is open to modification and suggestions.  I intent to present this for vote at GA on Wed, Dec 28th. 


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